Monday, March 15, 2010


Hate, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.

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photo google images tweaked slightly

Recently an incident took place which really hit me hard, I dont expect everybody to like me , sometimes I dont like myself either for reasons I cannot explain.So I try not to get into any ugly situations I can fight street situations even with my permanently damaged right hand..

I was going to work through a road I always take and a group of guys saw me one of them said something disparaging that was meant for me, I walked up to him and asked him why he said what he said, he simply said that his words were not for me , but I told him the words were meant for a person dressed like me and there was no one dressed like me around, I told him to apologize to me , he thought the matter would end by his not apologizing I raised my voice and started abusing him , a huge crowd of 50 to 60 people gathered without interfering , anyway he reluctantly apologized , and I walked away.

Now I could have ignored his remarks walked on , but there is a hitch, today he passes a remark, tomorrow another guy will do the same and I walk this way everyday , I am not going to change the path to my shop because of him.But his apology was meaningless it hurt me more than his disparaging remarks the way he said it to get this ugly situation to an end did I gain anything I dont know.. but yes he will think twice before he messes with someone dressed like me and he was a grown up guy no 15 year old...
I have not seen him at all is not part of this confession..

So what was his emotion hate or what..I dont hate anyone it is a sheer waste of my kinetic energy..and my spiritual strength which protects me every time ..and I travel extensively to areas where no one knows me ..I carry a Press Card just in case..

Man is responsible for his emotions he is the victim of his emotions most of the rime..I play it by ear.

So My poem

What is Hate
an emotion
the mother
of all misery
never out of date
hate that uses
man against man
hook line sinker and bait
hate that like
a prowling tiger
for its prey 'lies in wait
hate that with intolerance
vanity pride conceit
loves to mate
create more
children of hate
our miserable
our chaotic fate
that plays
second fiddle
to hate
an ugly emotion
loves to dictate
to begin wars
destroy humanity
at any rate
hate with only hate
you can equate
hate that
buries the unborn child
loves to kill and cremate
hate as hell on earth
as its only estate
hate once enters
your blood stream
difficult to vacate
hate diatribe
dangerous dialogue
diabolical debate
hate the lonely hunter
for a soul mate

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