Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Unlearning Photography Through The Eyes Of A Child

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she is small
but knows
what is means to
be born and beg
the rise and fall
of the human egg
as she watches
with her camera eye
me shooting
beggar kids
hope without limbs
faith without legs
children of a lesser god
of dregs

Sometimes I watch Marziya as she reads minds , situations alien to her innocence her protected life, I have shown Marziya paths littered with pain,I have shown Marziya cultural differences bifurcating the spiritual existence of man, I have show Marziya fences , that only a photographer sees..the photographer is prophetic , a visionary , he shoots the unseen , that which never existed before, the photographer is god without gods godliness, the photographer is an atheist too,behind the viewfinder the photographer is what god is not..the photographer is human...

Photography is a holistic science that heals both mind and beyond barriers photography beyond all god made man made frontiers..

I call this unlearning photography..Marziya teaches this too me each time I shoot her ..yes ,she shoots me ..

I miss Marziya is an understatement , my camera misses her more than me..her grip on the Nikon D 80 is that of a professional, her head bent low eyes into the darkness of the viewfinder ..she will give any top shot photo journalist the run for his money..

That she is 21 month old is irrelevant to photography you never any given stage..a click into eternity through a web page..

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