Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Photographers Without Borders

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a moment
in eternity freeze
photographers without borders
promoting safe guarding peace
everyone you cannot please
as photo bloggers poets
satirizing life situations
we love to tease
we dont kiss ass
god our country
and our family
our friends
we have no other
master to appease
on the wings of chariots
we flow with the breeze
we have no hands
to grease
our souls
made in india
our camera
made by the japanese
we have art
they have the expertise
poems will flow
like the river ganges
words volley of words sourced
from a grateful god
will never ever cease
he who protects us
from every kind of disease
swine flu will come and go..
man on a life's trapeze
prevention is better than a sneeze

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube