Monday, December 3, 2007

Thank You Mr David Hazell

Thank You Mr David Hazell
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy

She was in a bad racist mood
She gave a kick to the cat asleep
It turned out the cat was a tiger
It took a leap
Racist girl began to weep
Like Little Bo Peep
Uttered a scream
Crashing Crashing
Her hurt so deep
All her poems
Lay littered in a garbage heap

David Hazell United Kingdom (12/2/2007 8: 59: 00 AM)
Ancient Rome, was a place where rather harsh and bizarre punishments were often meted out. For some crimes, such as fratricide, the offender was flogged bloody, then tied naked in a leather sack with a dog a cockerel and a snake, and the whole issue was thrown into the Tiber.
I can’t help thinking that those of you who have had issues with Firoze, feel like they are suffering such a fate; not least the incessant river element. Whilst he may have been heavy handed in some respects, or even as some of you claim, off the mark. I can’t prevent myself from having a snigger at the furore his manifestations have produced.
I know what it is like to have the rat pack turn on you in PH, and I have had to fight my corner more than once against those who saw themselves as doyens and luminaries of the site. And their mewling ass creeping, supporters who have thought they were taking a free kick at a man who was down. Many such have now fled the field licking their wounds in a near suicidal state it seems… and I’m not done with some of the bastards yet! I’ll harry them to the bloody grave if they cross me again.
What Firoze, has show is that just because you are sitting at a computer screen and not looking someone in the face; doesn’t mean that you can snipe and sneer with impunity at anyone you like, any time you feel like it, and get away with it. And that some effort to manners and basic human decency are as important in online discussion and debate as anywhere else. And indeed, as dangerous to ignore.
Firoze, is not a perfect individual, none of us are. But he is an insightful man of splendid vision, and a doughty warrior, who has earned my admiration, in a colourful and courageous fashion.
The lesson he demonstrates is clear. Just be careful that what appears to be the gentle slumbering pussy cat on the pavement, that you choose to heedlessly kick aside; doesn’t turn out to be a sleeping Tiger.

Thank you MrDavid Hazell for your support and kindness..
This poem is my tribute to your sense of fair play..

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