Sunday, December 2, 2007

A Single Wise Tedy Bear and a Dumb English Teacher

A Single Wise Tedy Bear and a Dumb English Teacher
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy

Its amazing a single wise teddy bear can
Bring an entire world to a halt
Simply because a 55 year old stupid
Racist English teacher was at fault
Her brains her teaching skills
From her head of an empty vault
Did she not know the furor over the
Danish cartoons the whip lash
Like thunder bolt
People suffering all over
Iraq, Afghanistan Dafur
But not a single word
About their abject condition
Wounds filled with generous
Amounts of salt
Yet to alleviate a white woman’s sheer
Dumbness naiveté and a teacher above all
The World has the gall
Even couch potato poet critics abuse curse
Islam by default
The rights the laws the culture the heritage
Of an Islamic Nation in collectivity assault

inspired by Vikram G Aarella and Mr Lawrence Beck

Love poetry Hate racism

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