Sunday, December 2, 2007

Racist Pervert English Teddy Bear

Racist Pervert English Teddy Bear
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy

An English Teddy bear
In Sudan he would have
Had to convert
True Racist pervert
Befriends young
Girls who post
Poetry at poem hunter
To get into their skirt
Evil agenda to hurt
Child molester and flirt
Yes he hates Indians Niggers
Loves their children
This white curdled yoghurt
He should be put to sleep
This hate filled machine
A bleeding urinary squirt
See him first thing in the morning
This unwashed tight lipped
English ass hole
You will lose your appetite
Start your day badly
And hit the dirt
So if by chance you
Cross swords
With Andrew Mark Wilkinson
Rusty old blades infected with HIV
Remember my words and be on your alert


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