Thursday, December 13, 2007

Monster Hog is not a Racist

Monster Hog is not a Racist
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy google images

Monster Hog is not a Racist
This is what he says goodness gracious
With malice to none and no grief
That he hates an Indian poet
Who did not crash votes nor poems thief
His only fault he exposed racism
At poem hunter forum
To their disbelief
They who complained
About him to the forum
Commander in chief
Is all I can tell you
Poetically as much in brief
Monster Hog he is friendly
With those who clobber Indian heads
A few awesome dick head denizens
Off the Barrier Reef
He supports an English Racist Poet
Who is concerned that this Indian poet
Should write in his own language
And turn a new leaf
Banning me was to get me out
Of the race an ace up
Their sleeve
Now at the poem hunter forum fief
They can finally take a sigh of relief
A dead Indian is more edible than
English or Australian beef

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