Thursday, November 15, 2007

United We Stand -We are Poemhunter Poets

United We Stand -We are Poemhunter Poets
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

image curtesy
google images .,.

gun for shooting plagiarists

Plagued by Plagiarism
Don’t Run
Fight Break your Silence
Just a thought
Your battle is won
Poetry the Ultimate Weapon
Kills more detractors and poet enemies
Than an AK 47 machine gun
Bodies littered for posterity
Says hated the racist baited
Firoze Shakir
But people who are dimwitted
Trackless shortsighted myopic
Read it as Pornographerno1
Your time to stand up and
Assert your right
Has just begun
Cari Vick
Be a guerilla poet
Pick up the gun
Let’s give those bastards all and each one

united we stand we are poem hunter poets the very best ones

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