Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Ice Maiden Comments -Word Press

The Ice Maiden Comments -Word Press
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy


This pig headed lady
Left a comment on my
Blog Elizabethan Ode at Word Press
She wanted her sense of guilt to impress
That I deleted nevertheless
Now who is she you need not guess
She is a poem hunter jaded poetess
She says that I unnecessarily accuse her
And her women friends of being racist
This thought as a comment to me
She did address
But she has a mental block a memory block
Publicly she my voice as poet did try to suppress
Because I write about sexuality that troubles her
Sense of propriety she wants me to be censored
She protests
This Ice Maiden in a Viking dress poetic pretentious finesse
Now this a racist barb on my freedom of expression
As a poet to a poet she does transgress
It has hurt me and she is unapologetic an American
Quality I confess
Unless she wants me to quit Poem hunter
I say this with much distress
Poets living in the dark ages
Egos pomposity, racialism,
Hatredness to an evil mental stage
Thy want to regress
Sans poetic humility
There is no success

firoze shakir photographerno1

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