Sunday, September 23, 2007

Man Gets Fucked Women Never Age

As a new born
diapered innocence
Beneath the surface
From the cradle to the grave
Women never age
At any given stage
As a teenager on a
magazines front page
later braking hearts
full speed on mounds
littering corpses of
dimwitted lovers
backstage ..
only to a multimillionaire
her heart engage
sooner or later
marital chaos and rampage
bitter acrimony
divorce alimony
a new lover
second marriage
a new war wage
husband predeceased
a dowager
presiding unfading diva
more monkeys in her cage
women murder men
reflected glory upstage
but the finale of womanhood
women never age
even some other time
some other planet
or space age
i repeat
though buried
four feet
in concrete
in the hastily made grave
at her feet
Women never age
wisdom wrinkles
to batter all
mounted competition
with crowfeet
man simple noble man
betrayed by that
self suicidal heart beat
a woman that placed me
in this bloodstained
winding sheet
my coffin shaped like a sanitary
in defeat..
women who love
betray and always
fuckin cheat..
but the misery
of the quintessential
myth of a woman
in her bottled womanhood
from his web page
he can never delete

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