Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day Dreams of a Runaway Boy

they run away
from home
these little boys
come to mumbai
in a mans world
leaving behind
a world of toys
to make it big
dreams bigger than
their tiny frames
sleep unfamiliar
on carter road parapet
empty stomach
hunger to deploy
a pathos of a pisspot
either you float
or drown..
time a killjoy
land ahoy
become a boy
serving tea
shoe shine boy
or massaging
mans libido
in his domestic employ
or a producer of films
work as his houseboy
still wanting to become
sharoukh khan
a hope burning
that fate must not destroy
the salty sea breeze
smell of a uric ocean enjoy
writing his homework
on the palm of his hands
life as a school
the runaway school boy..

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