Sunday, July 8, 2007

Lord Mouth

Lord Mouth
Originally uploaded by firozeshakirphotographerno1
Yes I am

Lord Mouth

I say what I have to say

Me and my feet of clay

You with a hardened heart slay

Yes I am Loud Mouth

You should not read

What I write

Blindfold your colored I sight

You should no hear

And stay clear

Of me

And my tattooed posterior

When I bray

Or poetically pray

And my decapitated thoughts

At your feet

On a tray

Call me

Home Boy

Shia Thug

If you may

A rose as Firoze

Thorned to your side

If you say

Yes I am Loud Mouth

I say what I have to say

Me and my feet of clay.

This is my shop bag and this poem was in retaliation of the barbed words of American lady who has Indian colored skinned dead meat for breakfast what remains she has it for dinner....than spits the bones out as undigested hate for her bete noir called the shia thug no1.

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