Thursday, June 7, 2007

Tears for Bibi Fatima ! Curses For her Killers !

from this world into the next world

we will pass tears for bibi fatima
beneath the shadow of
alam abbas

oops taqqaiya allah ho akbar

we bypass dont
throw stones you live in a cybernetic
world made of glass

we cut our bodies
scourge bleed mind outpacing mass

we dont lob grenades maim ,

decapitate or
other communities harass

on other peoples privacy of thought we dont tresspass

so let us do what we do stop behaving like a jackass

yes it is hussainiyat

as wealth of our spirituality we amass

did it not spread eagle yazidiyat

momentary abberation so crass

with our curses on the enemies of janabe fatima

will surpass it is not just a sectarian difference its an
ideology impasse

firoze shakir

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