Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Muslim Man

He is 75 year old , he has lived in Bandra for 55 years , he struggled , when this area was like a swamp..and I meet him reading the papers during my walks , I am very fond of him, he is a very soft spoken person , and does not mind my taking his pictures ,, he is very proud of his children in diverse fields , he educated them and set them in life .

He stays near the Sunni Bandra Reclamation mosque ,we got to know each other since Feb 2015 when I began walking seriously and rigorously.

He is a Sunni I am a Shia but it hardly matters we are both Muslims of Bandra we dont wear blinkers and we both see the world where we live in beyond sectarian difference ,,he reads the paper and sometimes does not even know I am shooting his picture , he has a very benevolent face , a face etched with lines traversing in subtlety , speaking silently of his migration from a village in UP to Mumbai and now a pucca Mumbaikar like me ,, and do you really have to be born in Bandra to be a Bandraite ,,his children , my grandchildren were born in Bandra is reason enough to be part of this canopy above our heads called Bandra .. sometimes even educated people can be as illiterate as the angootha chap on the road,,

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