Monday, July 13, 2015

The World of Malangs

Once you start shooting the Malangs  there is no stopping ,, but first you must gain their trust and as I am a Malang too connected to them through Syed Masoomi Baba ,,we are known as Peer Bhai we share the same Malang Guru,,

So a Malng could be 80 years old but if his Peer is Masoomi Baba he becomes my Peer Bhai.. or Guru Bhai.

Most of us end our Malang names with Masoomi so the Malang addresses me as Firoze Baba Masoomi ..

I have been shooting the Dam Madar Malangs since 2005 and they are a fascinating study in portraiture ,,strong sculpted faces etched deep with their lifes struggle ,,

There are child Malangs too I shot them at Makanpur , the actual Malang grows dreadlocks these can be 18 to 20 feet in length and this is their pride and distinguishes them from the other Sufi orders .

The Malangs let loose their hair during the Urus of Makanpur ,, a glorious moment that I was lucky to shoot in 2013.

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