Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Muffler Man Returns

This was a tweet now I will try to poeticize it

What happens to those who joined BJP in a huff now when the going is tough will they join the man with the muffler and cough..

When he was down and out
they abused him cursed him
robbed him of his magical
broom  sent him into political
exile made his journey rough
wrote him off as an upstart .
an invincible am admi
with the muffler and cough
he fought the satraps the new
god who has a temple his
pujari all made of powerful
stuff the crane lady our
whimsical iron lady vs
i ran man her voice gruff
all his friends that left the
drowning ship to join
the saffron brigade ..
huff and puff politics
like love all is fair pull and
shove .. AK 67  was helped
by the erstwhile public of
delhi the god above ,,
who turned the war in
the favor of the common
man saying enough is
not enough..3 men in a
boat  ears fluffed ,,

 dedicated to CM Arvind Kejriwal.
a tweet that became a poem of
a beggar poets elegy on
the death of anarchy dharna
 but two books on constitution
for good governance more work
the past forgotten duly snuffed

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