Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Mumbai City Of Dreams ..

everybody comes to this
great city to be part of it
building homes on streets
on the pavements they eat
they shit  vomit spit ..
in mumbai you can get
a ration card pan card
provided you grease
the right hands you
get it ..money buys
every bit ..people may
be highly educated but
jobless but the homeless
beg steal as the system
is the culprit , politicians
welcome migrants with
open arms a vote bank
to keep him fit though
another politician raises
the sons of soil card
the migrant gets hit
the system give the
erring politician a
clean chit to wit
in a few years our
childrens children
their children will
be using facebook
in sanskrit ,,for drinking
fornicating you wont need
a permit as the system will
soon be legit ,,a system
closely knit each one will
benefit ..truth mongers
hypocrites to this system
will-submit on the face of
it .says the wise to the stupid

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