Sunday, February 8, 2015

From The Day She Was Born She Has Been Held In Captivity

first it was her
mothers scarred
womb born from
a drunkards seed
the night she was
born on the street
as the midwife pulled
her out from between
her mothers dirty feet
wrapped in a newspaper
not avadhnama her
birth was her first defeat
suckled on the dry drenched
out outlets her mothers teats
she cried she cried ..hearing
her mother cursing her another
mouth to feed here i have had
nothing to eat ..a part of life
incomplete ,, the next scene
drowsy drugged it was syrupy
benadryl as she hung on a
childs shoulders she was begging
on her beat , pinched made to cry
by that fiend of a step brother ..she
had wet herself in that stinking cloth
sheet that went around her throttling
her life  moments humidity heat ..when
he cleaned her almost banging her tiny
head on concrete ..she was a battered
 doll ugly piece of meat ..children of a
lesser god they said ..offered her sweets
knowing well that her gumless mouth
had no teeth..
than as she grew older she ran after cars
rickshas motor bikes on her fast feet
rubbing her nose against the glass of
the cars dark window ..trying to draw
the attention of the man holding his
madam tight on the back seat ,,
go away go away yelled the fucked
driver ,,honking away that bloody cheat
the car sped away leaving behind an
emptiness and the thought again no money
her parents would beat she turned away her
face from the eye of the camera ashamed
angry as to why he was shooting her the
bastard dressed in a fakirs attire turban rings
that mother fucker beggar shooter barefeet

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