Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Malang And The Jesuit

one a follower of Jesus
the other a follower of Ali
two diverse spiritual thoughts
but humanity its essence every bit
peace hope harmony universal
conscience a path brightly lit
live and let others live a poignant
after thought closely knit fr jaun
from spain settled in mumbai
at the st peter church bandra
two good friends i must admit
a srange sight to others seeing
a catholic priest and a malang
in a crazy outfit ,,both to the word
of god to truth equality justice submit
in our acts deeds it is humanity that
must finally benefit ,,for the wrong you
do to others dont  make your fate
the culprit ,,
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God.

biblical message to the world transmit
when terror raises it head to be answered equivocally
yes terrorists do have a religion ,, they hate to admit

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