Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mumbai Is The Only City In India Where We Invite Migrants To Come Build A Home on Our Streets

pay crooked cops and the rogue
officials of the municipality and the
local don the henchman of the suave
politicians vote bank that grows in
leaps and bounds prolifically ..the
ration card pan card all available to
 bangladeshi nepalis ..palms generously
you have to grease live in comfort ease
once you have made money than build
another two or three stories give it out
on rent for heavy deposit rent free ..
nargis dutt nagar , behrampada garib nagar
all exploding at the seams despite demolitions
in name is the story of our shanties ..the builder
waiting in the wings in collusion with his favorite
netaji , slum rehabilitation projects all builder
friendly to make more and more money

welcome to amchi mumbai be a part of its future
progress developments its bubbling destiny ..

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