Monday, October 13, 2014

Muslim Man With His Wife ,,,15 Years Down The Drain

living in the ghetto
is what his life remains
his hands his future
bound in chains within
his unflinching vote
for this party he feels
the pain let down
by those he voted
to power neglected
unemployed in their
reign..rising prices
that have driven him
insane remembered
only during election
time the muslim youth
his efforts to better him
self all in vain ..driving
rickshas cabs doing
menial jobs an insult
to his indian heart
his bhartiya brain

looted booted uprooted
the muslim youth hope
throttled in a backlane

invariably held as a
suspect in any crime
the system considers
him guilty before he
is proved innocent
on his character an
irremovable stain

the system in his
case is never humane

a hand that let him down
over the years unable
to contain riots there
is so much hurt but
decorum he maintains

wherever he goes
a character certificate
he must obtain  tainted
for his ethnicity his religiosity
by insensitive cops he is
the first to be questioned
detained ..only during the
polls he becomes part of every
party's  election campaign..

dance of democracy without
remorse or  constrains

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