Sunday, July 27, 2014

I Apologize If I Hurt Your Sense Sensibilities Shooting Beggars

there is a lot to shoot in this world
my beggars soul as a poet refused
no flowers no sunsets no chubby
kids i opted for beggars without
legs bodies bruised ,i am shocked at
my moderation guilty and accused
i shot poor little girls as pregnant
mothers by their own parents
abused forced to beg pain
sorrow fused what else was
there to be enthused ..i shoot
the ways of this hypocritical world
treating beggars badly but shedding
crocodile tears for gaza bemused
we too were slaves of the British vampire
but we broke our chains because of
the sacrifice of our freedom fighters
now our corrupt leaders are trying
to comfortably fit their shoes ...
a political system of counting votes
giving the common man the end
of the noose ..silence the mantra
of all governance political ruse

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