Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Fear Of Tomorrow

While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation.

 Maya Angelou quotes

This Muslim beggar even today sits across on the pavement opposite Eros Stores at Bandra Hill Road and the road facing her is the Bandra Police Station ,

This is the main roadway of Hill Road that leads to the shopping center ahead or if you take a U turn you go straight towards  the Bandra Station .

So she is in the right spot , she moves about within this stretch and it has been over 3 years since I shot this image .

Every beggar I am sure has a past and a story the only fear is the depths of a tomorrow to come ,, what does it hold if a  cop catches her she has to pay Rs 1200 a large sum , but mostly there is a understanding  and in some cases protection money is paid weekly hafta.

All these years that I was located here I shot the beggars , specially  the lady and her child who came on Thursdays.

When I was located at St Peter Road Bandra I shot Stanislaus School or the St Peters Church.

I was mind and soul trigger happy ..and gradually all that changed now I hardly take my camera out, mostly if I do it is to assist my grand daughters Marziya 6 and Nerjis 2 and a half to shoot the Bandra Bazar and the Muslim beggars .

Of late I try to use my Motorloa G ..and it has a different feel touch as compared to the ubiquitous DSLR .

I shoot so as to stay connected with reality and my reality is the pain that resides on the streets and in the closed eyes of a dreaming beggar child.

My eyesight due to diabetes makes it difficult and when I type with one finger I am prone to miss a word or miss a line too.

Did you see the childs tiny feet ,,comfortable at home in penury ,despite the mothers discomfort ..what is her story , if she has a child so small than obviously she has a husband , and sh has another big child I have shot him too,,
Why is she begging . where did she or her husband come to bad times ..I never ask questions getting to shoot them is tough enough , asking her her travails is beyond me ,, earlier as I am 60 I could be taken for a fatherly figure but after the Asram Bapu
rape case nobody trusts old people anymore ..and if it is Sunday this must be Bandra.

I miss  shooting the Muslim ladies of Bandra .. some I see even now but I just move ahead ..I have a tomorrow but sometimes I find it is more bleak than the beggars tomorrow.. I dont know why .. age has swept me over swamping me under a debris of lost illusions of nothingness.

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