Friday, September 28, 2012

John Dixon Howling Dervesh Passed Away To Soon

John Dixon died suddenly last week.
I know John was a great fan of yours, and I regret you never actually met in person.
I am sure you will share a laugh or two with him in Paradise, but hopefully not too soon.
Dave Hazell.

his love for me
was gods gift
a boon he leaves
his foot prints
on the sands
of time silence
re echoes
on the sand
dunes oh
death where
is thy sting
a dervesh
dances round
round a cosmic
circle immune
rumi has found
a friend willowy
white robes
dark side of
the moon
away from
chaos away
from hurricanes
a poet in a swoon
he could not
make it to
India kiss
feel steal
the soul
of monsoon
a poet
born with
a silver spoon

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