Friday, June 29, 2012

Masturbated Verbiage

Life is a stage

propped up as an actor

or dumped in a garbage

a click

i am on the wrong



they call it

coming of age

a parrot

cock eyed

in her gilded cage

a poker faced porn poet

also a pedestrian sage

overtime on the internet

no minimum wage

just her thoughts

my battered hopes


fires than within

the entrails of my groin enrage

seminal solidity ..

masturbated verbiage

genital stage

uncopulated in my minds eye

lies the sweeping sorrow

weeping tears thoughts engage for

the Saint of Homosexuals

Oscar Wilde


Lord Alfred Douglas

Queensbury Boxing Laws

Reading Gaol

A Poetic Forum

Reminiscent of

the Victorian age

Devoid of testicular fortitude

Eunuch euphoria

A War they Wage

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