Why My Grand Daughter Marziya Shakir Wont Join My Camera Club, a photo by firoze shakir photographerno1 on Flickr.
In Mumbai most of the business , run by hawkers thrives on Hafta a corrupt system where illegal selling of goods on the streets public places is restricted but condoned if you line the long deep pockets of the corrupt officials , it could be a policeman , a municipal official,.. this system we are all aware of but it exists , only the government pretends it is a figment of the common mans mind.
Hawkers are the bane of society for some , as they take away open places you can see this everywhere be it Linking Road CST or this path off Photographic Society of India my camera club where I am a life member in name.
I have moved our from so called fine art photography that has never changed will never change .. today or till eternity..
I dont shoot what these grand masters sitting above at PSI Mumbai shoot I would simply commit suicide if I shot the same black and whites the same pictures that others before them shot and the same that is being taught to the generation that s still unborn will shoot.
I shoot shit I shoot fucked street scenes you see day in and day out but you wont shoot it would dirty the soul of your pristine camera consciousness ..
And pardon my opinionated soliloquy I certainly wont shoot what the so called high priced celebrity Presswallahs shoot and I dont promote or want them I shoot,,, I am not a Google+ photographer pundit who tickles the ass of a sunset .. I dont hawk my pictures nor serve them on a tray..
But yes you cant stop me from making my grand daughter 4 year old Marziya Shakir shoot what I shoot , she has not joined my camera club.. no camera clubs are not for her will never be she took a upgrade she is a internet photographer her pictures hang on a Flickr wall..and I am proud of her she saw light much before she saw the camera .. it fell from my camera vision into her childs soul.
And all these pictures of hawkers running away on spotting the Municipal van , that snatches their goods and robs them of their livelihood were shot last evening on her camera Canon EOS 60D.. I gave some rest to my own Canon EOS 7 D .
I had come to the hospital and from there to buy a telly lens for her camera from Raju and Shyam of Reliable stores ..and a spare battery.
She wants to do a photo documentary on Jesus in Bandra and specially shoot the Holy Spirit and Jesus in St Peter Church. and Marziya Shakir is a good gifted street photographer her guru Dr Glenn Losack MD from Manhattan New York promotes her encourages her.
But she is very close to Marc De Clercq another prolific photographer and a Dam Madar Malang like me who visits my house
I will certainly take my grand daughter Marziya Shakir to PSI Mumbai my camera club to introduce her to my friends out there and show her the walls where once my pictures hung.. the place that was once a Temple for stalwarts like Phanibanda ,Sam Tata Mitter Bedi, AJ Patel..Dr RJ Mehta ,and so many much before my time as this club is over 75 years old.
And besides Marziya Shakir two of my other grand daughters Nerjis Asif Shakir 10 month old Fatima Zaira 7 month wait in the wings to shoot the streets of life..
And for once my friend Vilas Gholse my PSI Friend who was watching me shoot all this will agree with me .. that Camera Clubs are Passe ..
Grand Fathers who teach photography in 5 minutes ..
And this is a tribute to a great grand father my guru Babuji Mr KG Maheshwari