Friday, May 25, 2012

I Would Rather be Black Brown But Not This White

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It was Neal Romaneks comments on my earlier picture of the albino kids, that was one of the reasons I took another trip to Haji Malang .I was in extreme pain, not being used to a regimen of climbing and trekking rough terrain.
I reached Haji Malang in the night so the albino beggars were not around I was told they move about in the open plains, as the sun troubles them completely but it is under the harsh rays of the sun they beg.So while coming down Haji Malang the second time I saw this family and shot many frames.
It was painful , it hurt me more as they strained to see me, I paid them generously, but was that enough?I dont know.
I thought for a moment perhaps Dr Glenn Losack MD would have shot them better than me.I do not have that power that the doctor has of absorbing their pain on the parchment of human consciousness.
There are a lot of pictures of Haji Malang , but this familys pictures will live with me forever.

call me a racist
it would seem alright
i will humbly respect
your views silently
quiet become
one with the
of an impending
night but
if god made me
an albino
it would be his gift
his fundamental
right fear
of sunshine
fear of light
a beggar poet
lead kindly light
click a mouse
single finger
write .. dont
get uptight
two wrongs
dont make
a right
lies at
the feet
of man
not measured
by his girth
or height

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