Wednesday, May 2, 2012

He Is Trying His Beggars Luck At The Turner Road Traffic Signal..

Beggary could be a subject taught in school and colleges and you could get a Phd in this subject , a subject that touches even those who dont beg, that they beg favors from bigwigs their wives girlfriends boyfriends or from god is not part of this blog..

The man who is fascinated with beggars to the point of dementia is my dear friend Dr Glenn Losack MD the furious physician, shooting beggars is an aesthetic art only a few will understand ,I understand because I am a street poet and photographer , and street photography is the science of the human soul in karmic revolt again time nature and fate.

Street photography is shooting a picture within a picture with your eyes closed,,,it takes time perseverance and experience, you have it or you dont have it, it is inborn , grand daughter 3 year old Marziya has it she is gifted she shoots time and freezes it as eternity..

I was sitting in the ricksha and I shot several frames of this new male lead in the cinemascopic world of revolving frames , moving pictures as still life.

We spoke and he knew I knew his pain his story without exchanging words.. everything in life comes down to body language .. he understood mine I understood his.

Some people look at beggar pictures with disdain.. and unfavorably and the thing that comes to their fucked detached myopic mind is the photographer shoots to make money..makes me puke at the unintelligent thought , but its fine..

We shoot beggars and that is the fact of life , metaphoric or real poetry or prose..

I have shared bread with beggars lived with them and only the beggars were revered souls the Naga Sadhus I ate food left overs and got over my guilt of the original fucked sin of life,

And I have had a long day, I was in town , I have just returned , I shot a lot of pictures..from a moving bus and a cab.. Moghul Masjid , Shia folks and the Shia ambiance of Moharam at Imamwada road.

I shot the second day of matam at my house with Marziya doing it like an old hand such is the message of peace and Humanity we call Hussain.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube