Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stop Crying Over Spilt Milk ..Anonymous Asshole

Sometimes it’s wiser to be an asshole
By and by it will sink in
To reach your destination
much before you begin
A journey of a torturous spin
Some you lose some you win
Three line poems unwashed repressive
In a recycle bin..
The rest hanging to dry on an
Imaginary foreskin
Cybernetic love on a swivel pin
stop crying over spilt milk
a dead indian in a sheeps skin
seminal solitude hererin
Lighting a path
Darkness within
Man born to Fuck women
Yogic Kundalini
Uncoiling the serpent
That you call the original sin
Playing it by ear..
Tender notes on an old violin
To her bruised ego and chagrin
Hit hard on the rebound
You take it bravely on the chin

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