Monday, February 13, 2012

Steven The Cultured Educated Eunuch With Dreams

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We met by accident , he was speaking to me in English that surprised a bystander at the Malangad foothill bus stop, I told the bystander , why he was surprised if a hijra spoke to me in English, and so thereby begins a tale.

Steven hates the word hijra he calls himself a eunuch , I think transgender boy sounds far better .

He is a parentless boy bought up by his aunt and uncle, a devout Catholic he teaches Catechism at Sunday school , and I reminded him that the Church too does not take kindly to eunuchs ..but he politely answered back that he dressed normally and did not behave like a hijra at Church .. he evangelizes the Word of Christ.. but he is a devotee of The Holy Saint of Haji Malang..He lived with his relative at Haji Malang and not with the hijra groups.

He had boys men wanting to bed him , he had men who wanted to marry him , but he has great plans he wants to be a NASA scientist, he is doing the science stream at College ..and to pay for his studies , he works at a BPO.. call center ..

He told me his Hijra Guru wanted him to work as a dancer but he was not interested , he has his plans cut out they are big and huge..

I liked him immensely , it was chilly I had pulled out my shawl and we were together in the bus a one hour drive , he offered me tea at the Kalyan station , got my train coupon punched and finally hugging me for my company pecking me a farewell kiss on my cheek he rushed out to catch his own train.. in the wee hours of the morning..

Will I ever meet him again I dont know .but he was a sweet cultured human being.. and being a eunuch des not mean you forgo your dreams .

I wish him and bless him as a Malang.

Dam Madar Beda Par..

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