Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hussain Lights The Way

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This is for those smartass who send us New Year Greetings for Moharam...

Its true
with blood
our New Year of Pain
In the hallowed name
of Hussain we start
remembering him
year after year
for 1400 years
a journey we chart
our blood our sweat
our tears our heart
the shia from azadai
you cannot tear apart
our tradition our culture
our ethos ghame hussain
an eternal state of art
modern yazid fails to
outfox or outsmart
on the stage of humanity
we do our bit our part
our black clothes our alams
our taboots zuljana
hands beating our hearts
we wait animatedly
for yazidiyat to depart

your new year greetings
shit on the mound
of a garbage sweet heart

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