Thursday, February 3, 2011

Shiasm is Faith Embedded in Symbolism of Peace and Humanity

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I am neither a religious scholar nor a Mullah ,I am an ordinary man with the gift of an eye that catches emotions captures faith through pictures , I dont promote or proselytize but I show you the Shia back yard of beliefs and unique culture bound to pain called Ghame Hussain within photo blogs .

As a street photographer as a poet I demystify time and space and it all depends whether you see my pictures as I saw them, murals on the wall of humanity.

I shoot common street scenes and here on Chehlum day I was accompanied by Ali Saddiqani from New York, he wanted to see Chehlum through my eyes now he can see it as visuals of my camera too.

I must reiterate again this Chehlum too I missed my American friend from Manhattan New York, Dr Glenn Losack MD .,,Glenn is fascinated with Shia culture and shoot pictures as real life paintings and this set is dedicated to him , he is my family my mentor and the erstwhile god father and Guru of the youngest street photographer in the world 3 year old Marziya Shakir my grand daughter.

Marziya shoots with the Nikon D 80 presented by Glenn .

She has shot the zanjir matam of the kids at the Gurru Nanak Park juloos this year.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube