Friday, December 24, 2010

The Hindus of Andhra Pradesh Walk On Fire For Hussain

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I have been told by many friends to shoot the Khandak matam in Andhra Pradesh, where the Hindu community pay tribute to Imam Hussain by walking on fire ,I dont have all the details but it is not easy moving out of my work place from Mumbai.

Normally even for Ashura I leave on 7 Moharam and return by 11 Moharam whichever city I shoot , I have shot Ashura in Lucknow Hyderabad Kolkatta , Chehlum in Hyderabad Delhi and Hussain Tekri Jaorah.

Madras Ashura I shot for the longest time barefeet and in real cold weather.

Normally I shoot Chehlum in Mumbai but I am impulsive governed by cosmic moods and swings I am still not sure whether I will shoot Chehlum in Mumbai this year or move out.

Ever since I returned from Chennai I am trying not to shoot any other feast simply because I have yet not got over the morbidity of my mournful state of mind.

I shot some street stuff my grand daughter and I both shot her playschool Xmas party.

I have a lot of uploading remaining Dharmpaui street shots , Chennai street shots , my travel pictures of the train from Mumbai to Chennai and Chennai to Mumbai and my trystt with the transgender community , the people that stalk my soul wherever I go I shot them in Dharmapuri too.

Than I have the 7 Moharam juloos of Chennai a very long series that will end my Chennai picture story board.hopefully.

I upload from within Flickr it takes a lot of time and my lap top, that actually belongs to my son has not rested my comp died recently totally crashed out.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube