Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Dislocated Wrist and The Bone Setter Boy Of Bandra

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These are two guys on Bandra SV road close to the Badi Masjid , the first time I went his associate tied a cloth and placed the wrist in its right place , I underwent great pain and than he applied lep after this encounter I left for Latur , on my return again his associate tied a cloth and I went through the same procedure of pain.. rotten pain.

This was my third visit and this young guy massaged my hand I have to go to them every next day, the first visit he charged me Rs 125 the following visits change of bandage and lep and massage I pay Rs 75 per visit.

Tomorrow will be my fifth visit , the pain has lessened I can move my hand comfortably but it is tough , the heaviness of the hand .

Mind you this is my right hand that was injured and is already malformed and my camera trigger hand..

I shot the chhath puja with this hand..

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