Sunday, November 21, 2010

MTNL Broad Band And The Pain Of a Dead Blogger

After making several complaints about my internet connection provided by MTNL Bradband Mumbai my service provider I had a visit from two of their technicians they saw my agony said it was a line problem and disappeared without rectifying the fault.

I sent several messages to Mr Johnny and Mr Shyam Sunderji of MTNL St Martin Broad band office but today being Saturday I am left in the lurch, I got connected now I dont know I will be thrown into the Unknown Zone page cannot be displayed.

My Eid Bull Kurbani pictures I cant upload.. so I am at the Mercy of MTNLBroadband which is going the You Telecom way..

I think none of them have the infrastructure to serve , and dont even pay for their faults and outage..the consumer is helpless and is dead more like the bull in the picture I shot..

In this case a barefeet blogger of Mumbai.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube