Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Dead Poets Fucked Hand

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all part
of a single
one protecting
the other
all part of
a spectrum
han ji ya na ji
yes or no
caught in a loop
like dead flies
in a rotten soup
all part of
a politics and drama
no age group
rang aur roop
chaon aur dhoop
on the soul of 'a
nation beyond
Media scoop
littered on the
path that we
tread like a
stray dogs poop
investigations galore
one replacing the other
laughing all the way
to the bank under
a new raja of destiny
after the next elections
they will regroup
revitalized rejuvenated
recoup once again '
some more new scams
hula hoop to conquer
one needs to stoop

The worst outdated and most fucked part of blogging here at blogspot is Word Verification.. wake up dudes
I cant even cross blog from Fickr to Blogspot

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube