Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Only An Asshole Will Shoot What I Shoot

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if i posted this
in a salon photography
i would get
the boot
by judges
in arty
fab india
including those
dressed in full suits
photography fucked
forever by
renaissance roots
fine arts
Sodom and Gomorrah
as offshoots
see their brochures
unreal pictorial
muck and soot
for reality
they care two hoots
while the soul
of those who see
this year after year
has gone blind
deaf and mute
a picture
must read
like a poem
to add to its
holistically heal
whether you shoot
nature still life or nude
what say you dude
you will be rewarded
by the government of India
when you turn
99 in your living grave
forgive me for
being rude
but such is life
at every step
you are screwed
man can live without art
can he live without food

where angels fear to tread the street photographer intrudes in the beginning of the end just another interlude

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