Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Mad Man Wants To Burn The Koran

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a helpless
eunuch American
can do nothing
is what it comes
down to
a spiritual charlatan
he can take
on Islam
headlong too
clinton obama
he hits pelts
with his racist
racist shoes
he cares not for
American young
marines awaiting
death in body bags
be it christian
muslim hindu or jew
or a black man
all fodder for wars
that are not new
imperialistic hegemony
nuclear bullying
hate to spew
why i thought
of this poem
looking at a
beggar muslim woman
waiting for left overs
for the next fast
unaware of a
madman in Florida
a bolt out of the blue
in India if such
a madman
existed the
Indian government
would have locked him
up a message of peace
justice for all of you
tolerance the key
respect for all religion
blood muscles sinew
for mankind of all caste
color or hue

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