Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One Night Scam

corruption is cancer
the public foots the bill
the system sucks
a sweet bitter pill
hafta that makes
black money
from crooked pockets
over spill
without bribes
everything comes
to a stand still
telgi munir khan
harshad mehta
sleigh of hand
some skill
would have not
become rich men
without connivance
if they had sat still
a bureaucrats hand
in the government till
offering solutions
to run the windmills
profits and goodwill
getting rid of the
corruption of cancer
a task uphill
people watch
say nothing
why make a mountain
out of dunghill
scam after scam
the gullible waiting
to be screwed
by yet another refill
dying dreams to fulfill
life's score at the end
hopelessly NIL

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