Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fucked Forever

he drank his life away
thinking good times
will last however
saved nothing for a rainy day
thought he was sharp
shrewd and clever
now homeless
on the streets of despair
life fucked forever

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I met Paul Douroux by chance and his comment on Anthony Poseys picture touched me, it was simplicity and sense in a world where critics of photography forget their own surroundings..a picture is not just a piece of technical detail it is much more ..I saw this man sleeping near Bandra and perhaps for a moment I thought I saw myself as I was a incorrigible alcoholic for several years we all read pictures differently.. pictures shot by a man in Mumbai touch the chord of a man anywhere in the world as pain is indivisible , pain has no borders or frontiers..sometimes a comment becomes the story of our blog..

So with due respect to Paul I copy his comment as a tribute to our friendship..on Flickr.

Shoeless and toothless
Father forced uncle
to improve
improve himself
He took away bottles of wine
held a mirror up to his face
showed him his fallen image
voiced a sad disgrace
bought uncle new shoes
a good job he secured
a safe place to stay

uncle decided
in less than a week
to sleep in the street
shoeless and toothless

Nothing father did for uncle

toward the end of his life
and pushed a shopping cart in the street
mistaking trash for treasure
and foes for friends
His mind taken by alcohol
he listened to no advice
His inner voice silenced
shoeless and toothless
a mind numbing disgrace
nothing uncle did for father helped

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube