Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thank you Word Press Whizz Kids

Thank you Word Press Whizz Kids
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy


Free Space to Three Gigabytes
Much of the work we do at Automattic is behind the scenes, infrastructure you’ll (hopefully) never notice or see, but we’re always thinking about how the improvements we make to the foundation of the site will allow us to build more interesting things on top of it.
Today, one of those developments comes to fruition — everyone’s free upload space has been increased 60x from 50mb to 3,000mb. To get the same amount of space at our nearest competitor, Typepad, you’d pay at least $300 a year. Blogger only gives you 1GB. We’re doing the same thing for free.
Our hope is that much in the same way Gmail transformed the way people think about email, we’ll give people the freedom to blog rich media without having to worry about how many kilobytes are left in their upload space.
How are we able to do this? Over the past year we’ve developed our file infrastructure, replication, backup, caching, and S3-backed storage to the point where we don’t feel like we need to artificially limit what you folks are able to upload just to keep up with growth. We’re ready for you.
What about the space upgrades? They’re still important. You still need a space upgrade to upload certain file types, like movies, and we’re also increasing the limits of the paid upgrades, so if you bought a 1GB upgrade before it now adds 5GB for no additional charge.
Posted: Monday, January 21st, 2008 at 8:56 am
Filed under: Milestone, New Features.


1. photographerno1
January 22nd, 2008 at 12:01 am

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Thank you WordPress Whizz Kids
You guys are the top of the line.. you are the coming future of photo blogging..I wish you best wishes and more success..
had you doled this earlier I might have not migrated to Flickr..
But I cross blog to Word Press from there ..Thank you Matt and Mark,,

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube