Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Does Lizzie Love Firoze?

Does Lizzie Love Firoze?
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

courtesy google images

She pretends she is angry with him
Each time says the chapter is closed
She gets uppity she gets morose
But in the crevice of her heart lives
The dark side of the Moon
Her beloved Firoze
The guy who walks barefeet
Wears Sufi clothes
Lots of jewelry
And a beak of a nose
A rose by another name
Or by four others names
Can it be Firoze?
Into her dream he crashes
With the silence that shows
Ratings of her heart
Only his heart knows
Love in Louisiana
From Mumbai blows
She loves me
She loves me not
As it glows
Oh Lizzie
My feathered *Cock crows
Good Morning in the forum
Fluid seminal as a thought
Of a doomed love flows

Cock is bird variety..

Love poetry Hate racism

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