Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Crashing of the Votes

The Crashing of the Votes
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

Poems slaughtered by the click of a Mouse
The pain and agony
Of sacrificial cows and goats
Poems that during inflation
Don’t bring in US Dollars
Or even the nondescript Sudanese notes
On her integrity as a top class poet
She who bosses at the poem hunter forum
Dictatorially loves to gloat
Calling the shots this
God’s gift to poetry
A castle isolated in her pride and egoistic vanity
Without a moat
Somebody with a thud
Has bought her down
The crashing of her votes
She has not an inkling of proof
She accuses a single colored poet
A point to be noted
Of her racist attitude
She will not think for a second
that her voted could have been crashed
by Sherrie Ben Raymond Tafee
Aldo Krass Victor Vikram
Oh how she loves to goad
A Viking Goddess crossing poetic waters
On the back of hunchback Toad

Dedicated to a unique original poet No1 of Poem hunter Mr. Ted Sheridan
My humble Indian sweet of a tribute…

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