Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Black is Beautiful.. Bullshit

Black is Beautiful.. Bullshit
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy


At work
At school
At college
A war they wage
Against the color of our skin
Against our religion
Our traditions our culture
Our heritage
Life’s hurdle at every stage
Ethnic riots and rampage
We dark colored
Humanity quarantined
In a zoological cage
Racism is alive
Hurtful and savage
Venomous comments
On a colored webpage
They who make us slog
Work slave sweat
Below minimum wage
Our ancestral wounds
Our ancestral grievances
They will never assuage
A pain of bleeding tears
Scourged back
They will never gauge
Black is beautiful
Bullshit just a
A hollow adage
A broken head with a
Bleeding bandage
Pain that gives
Birth in sewage
By pigmentation
Held hostage
Says the white man
Write poetry
In your own language
Pride self dignity
Nothing but remorse
Left to salvage
Travesty of justice
Or miscarriage
Kidnapped human emotions
Thus held hostage
Give an inch they take
The entire yardage
Black mans world his hermitage

Love Poetry Hate Racism

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