Thursday, November 22, 2007

Black and White

Black and White
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy

The white man supremacist
Always wondered why the black man
Was not born white
He thought it was a curse of the white god
Much to his delight
So kicking black ass
Lynching black hopes
Was pardonable and alright
He was stolen kidnapped
From the interiors of Africa
To work as slaves on plantations
Such was the accursed fate of the
Black Mans plight
Empty stomach beaten black and blue
Waiting for the next bite
Made to give up religion
of his forefathers as a
Christian proselytized
Their hearts and humanity
With a vitriolic brand
Of evangelism
For ever and ever
But the good men among
The White justifiably realized
Humanity is more important
Than just being Black and White

Love poetry Hate racism

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