Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Samiyas Pain

Samiyas Pain
Originally uploaded by flickr photographerno1
now i know what it means
to be a father a pain outpour
a darkness that has robbed a glow
samiyas illness taught me so
a condition that gets bad as each day goes
her smile .her laughter her moods high and low
a freakazoid father feels therefore
a family’s heart that has gone sore
pray to god that it will soon blow
go where ever it has to go..
my wife the anchor more solid metallic steel as our core
as each turbulent wave after wave hits our door
we bow to his bounty stranded on an inhospitable shore
to reach home safely
we beg implore..
samiyas pain
pains us more
we look now
for a hope
the seashore

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