Wednesday, October 31, 2007

O shoe O sand to sound like Suzanne

O shoe O sand to sound like Suzanne
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

O Shoe O Sand
Funereal cold winding sheets of water

And my uncorked last stand

My Bald pate and my Bejeweled hand

Just barely visible and O shoe O sand

Yes I am drowning in the Red Sea of your Heart

This was what the Maker intended

A suitable end to an unsuitable start.

I could have floated in the Dead Sea of your heart

Undrowned..but misery my epitaph

Scrawled in blood

On the blood shredded waters of your heart.

You love

Love more beautiful and more smart

I shall die untenanted,,

Unrepentant Unweeping waters of you heart.

Cyberspaced love

Uncrafted Unrafted fiercly furious waters of your heart.

O Shoe O sand bare feet minstrel sings

In the cold wall to wall waltzing waters of your heart

explanation. for the very smart. or reader of hidden words.

Shoe is my phallic longings to have been hung from the door of her heart and sand is cotton wool that you throw in a mans eye when you know he is a dwarf dimwitted.. Dumb..drivelled doggerelled to a deaf and dead heart...

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