Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Mirror in your Eye

The Mirror in your Eye
Originally uploaded by flickr photographerno1

photo courtesy

HOWLIN' DERVISH (10/16/2007 2: 59: 00 PM) Post reply | Read 1 reply

.. at one time Howlin' brought a gift to the powerful Sultan Firoze. 'I have brought you a picture of the biggest fool in your realm.' he told the Sultan.
Sultan Firoze is delighted and unwraps his gift. His pleasure turns to fury, however, when he finds he is looking into a mirror. 'Take this impudent dervish away and have him flogged.' Sultan Firoze yells. Howlin' is astonished and looks in the mirror to see what has caused offense.' But O Great Sultan Firoze, ' he protests, 'this is a picture of the greatest fool in your realm.'

MORAL: If you don't know yourself to be an ass, you certainly are an ass.

Love is All


If you see your image in the mirror
It does not lie
Your faults your shortcoming
That reflects from the closet of your eye
The mirror tells the truth
Though cosmetically you lie
Your erased wrinkles of
False rejuvenation
It espies
Your cowardice
Your hate for others
Embellished on your
Soul as ungratifying sighs
You are nothing but
Hatred in disguise
Jim Hogg
Ian Bowen
Allen James Saywell
Father Son and Unholy Ghost
Racist Trinity
Do take advice
Howlin ‘s Words
Pearls of Wisdom
No surprise
Relent Rethink and Realize

Thank You Sufi Master Howlin Dervish of Koyna

firoze shakir

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