Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Hijda in a Mans World

The Hijda in a Mans World
Originally uploaded by flickr photographerno1

Biologically betrayed
Born man
With dreams of a woman
Robbed hijacked waylaid
In a society of Male Chauvinists
She neither this nor that
Confused completely afraid
Of her sexual ambiguity
She has nothing but tears to trade
This travesty of human specie
God made
A masculine testosterone
God hermaphrodite hating and staid
Eunuchs in his heavenly
Kingdom he forbade
That is why on earth
The transgender, transsexual
His scripture bound children
the androgynous ethnicity
of the hijda degrade
with racist remarks
with hate of the hijda
this peace loving community
they raid
raped sodomized by ancient
English Laws
But the resilience of the hijda

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