Saturday, September 15, 2007

Lady inmates in a mad house called poem hunter forum

They the wretched women inmates of poem hunter forum
Collectively uncured suffering from male vascular referral syndrome
Each lady poet thinks she is man, says the last MRI Scan
One imitates Carter to the T
One is Collins surfing the cyber waves of a Florida Key
Another is Ryan sleepless in Seattle in no hurry
Not hogging the lime light per se
Another lady poet pages and pages
Like a fax machine running unpowered
Inundating the periphery but
Pretends she is a male poet
Residing in the soul of male masculinity
Another female poet thinks she is Hubcap
And another Allen James Saywell
Australian Racist poet calamity
Another Trading blows poetic hilarity
The Dr Beck going form pillar to post
To bring in sanity..
In this Ladies Ward
Of Poetic Pride and Vanity
Poetry a dropp of innocence
In a tear crystallizing a cry
My beloved humanity

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